Daniel's 70th week Timeline

 Day 1  | Signing of a treaty that allows daily sacrifices in God's temple
  ^	|
  |	| Evidence:
  |	|
  |	|   Dan 9:27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.'
  |	|	     ...he will put an end to sacrifice and offering...
  |	|
  |	|
  |	| The prediction does NOT say that the sacrifices will
  |	| start IMMEDIATELY. The start of the sacrifices was NOT given 
  |	| DIRECTLY, it was given INDIRECTLY. And we have to make some
  |	| assumptions to arrive at the starting date for Jewish sacrifice
  |	| 
  |	|=======+ 
  |	|  Day    | Sacrifice BEGINS in God's temple
  |	|  295	  | Evidence: see below (click here)
  |	|=======+ 
  |	| 
  |	| NOTE: the DURATION of Daniel's 70th week is NOT 7x360 days
  |	| (1 day 1 year). Read the prophecy carefully:
  |	| 
  |	|    He will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.'
  |	|
  |	| The prophecy DID NOT say that it will LAST for one 'seven' !!!
  |	|
 1260	|
  days  |
  |	|
  |	|
  v	| 
 Day    | Sacrifice in Temple abolished
 1260   |
  ^	| Evidence
  |	| 
  |	|     Dan 9:27: in the midst of the week (= 3.5 yrs 1260 days) 
  |	|     he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease
  |	| 
  |	|
  |	|
  |	| This point in time is significant and helps us to calculate 
  |	| the exact point in time when the "abomination" is set up 
  |	| in God's temple. According to Daniel 12:11:
  |	| 
  |	|     Daniel 12:11 "From the time that the daily sacrifice 
  |	|     is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation 
  |	|     is set up, there will be 1,290 days. 
 1290	|
  days	|
  |	| We are 1260 days from the start. And 1260 + 1290 2550
  |	|
  |	| Conclusion: on the 2550th day, the abomination that causes 
  |	| 	      desolation is set up
  |	|
  |	|
  |	|
  v	| 
 Day	| Anti-Christ sets up an ABOMINATION inside God's temple
 2550	| (I suspect the Anti-Christ will enter the Holy of Holies)
  ^	| Evidence: (we just saw it above)
  |	| 
  |	|    Daniel 12:11  And from the time that the daily sacrifice 
  |	|    shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh 
  |	|    desolate set up, there shall be a thousand 
  |	|    two hundred and ninety (1290) days. 
  |	| 
  |	|
  |	|
 45 	|
 days	|
  |	|
  |	|
  |	|
  |	|
  v	| 
 Day	| Christ 2nd coming ???
 2595	| I am not certain, but I do have some evidence !
   	| Evidence
	| ***************************************************************
	| *   Dan 12:12  Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the  *
	| *    thousand three hundred and five and thirty (1335) days.  *
	| ***************************************************************
	| Notice that Daniel 12:12 say that 1335 days are
	| NOT easily tolerated (waits)
	| The FIRST half of the 7x360 is a PEACE TIME.
	| There is NO effort getting through these 1260 days
	| The SECOND half of the 7x360 is the real challenge
	| So if you get through these 1335 days (with is NOT
	| quite 3.5x360 days, but longer - as I mentioned before)
	| The MOST important clue that I think this is the day of the
	| Second Coming of Jesus is from:
	| ***************************************************************
	| *  Rev 20:4  .... And I saw the souls of those who had        *
	| *     been beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for          *
	| *     the Word of God, and who had not worshiped the beast *
	| *     nor his image, nor had received his mark on             *
	| *     their foreheads, nor in their hands. And they lived *
	| *     and reigned with Christ a thousand years.               *
	| ***************************************************************
	| The Millenium Reign of Jesus is reserved for a SPECIAL
	| group of believers: ONLY those that endured PERSECUTION
	| for their faith will receive this special honor.
	|											|
	| Now, in Daniel 12:12, the angel call those that 				|
	| "waiteth, and cometh" to the end of these 1335 days "BLESSED" -		|
	| and these are who had not worshiped the beast					|
	| nor his image, nor had received his mark on their foreheads, 			|
	| nor in their hands --- i.e., those who PERSERVERED				|
	|										^
	| Putting 2 and 2 together, I conclude that THIS is the point			|
	| in time that Jesus will return....						|
	|										|
--------+---------------------------------------------------------------------		|
	|										|
	| When do the daily sacrifices start ?						|
	|										|
	| Now we can work BACKWARDS to find out the dates that:				|
	|										|
	|	1. when the daily sacrifices will begin					|
	| 										|
	| According to Daniel 8:13-14							|
	| 										|
	|    Daniel 8:13 Then I heard a holy one speaking, and another 			|
	|    holy one said to him, "How long will it take for the vision 		|
	|    to be fulfilled--the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, 		|
	|    the rebellion that causes desolation, and the surrender of 		|
	|    the sanctuary and of the host that will be trampled underfoot?" 		|
	|    14 He said to me, "It will take 2,300 evenings and mornings;---------------+ 
	|    then the sanctuary will be reconsecrated." 
	| According to these verses:
	|   the total time where daily sacrifice, abomination that causes 
	|   desolation, and the trampling of the host of saints will take
	|   2300 days.
	| The trappling ENDS when Jesus returns (gathers His elect).
	| This period starts with the daily sacrifices... (I think this
	| event is the most likely one that starts this period)
	| Thus, we conclude that the Start of the daily sacrifices is
	| on this day:
	|      2595 - 2300 Day 295