What's your reason ?
If your reason that you believe that Jesus is the Messiah is something other than because you know that it is true, your faith would hold NOT up when you meet and talk with some liberal-minded theology scholar who can easily persuade you that the Bible is "just a fairy tale" and that "it is full of errors".
I can tell you right now that the Christian faith is based on Historical FACTS. (You may even be surprised to heard that the Christian faith is solidly based in Historical FACTS, but in the next few webpages, I will expose it systematically).
When you pick up the Bible, you are not picking up a "story book".... and I am always surprised that people call the events in the Bible "stories". Peter Pan is a story. The Lord of the Rings is a story. But the Bible contains HISTORICAL FACTS, not "stories".
In this first part of the website, I have lay out carefully the evidences that show that the Bible is a Historical Document, NOT a novel - The Bible is just as historical as the works by renouned ancient historians like Plutarch, Suetonius and Tacitus.
The basis of the Christian faith is:
There are ironclad historical evidence that support this fact. But we must be clear that evidence, no matter how strong, do not constitute a proof. The only thing that would constitute a proof is when you are eyewitness to the actual event; any second or third hand information is evidence that cannot be used as proof.
I do not (and cannot) provide proof for Jesus' resurrection. That is consistent with Jesus' teaching that you need faith. But faith need not be blind (blind faith is dangerous and can lead to disaster). The goal of these webpages is to provide you with reasonable faith, not proof.
In other words, unless we invent time-travel, there is no way to go back and observe the events
(If you don't, you are wired seriously wrong and are probably beyond any help....)
Because He said that He is a righteous God and it would NOT be FAIR to accuse a person for not believing in Jesus if God did not PROVIDE and PRESERVE ironclad assurances.
The historical evidences are there - you just have to go out and find it. It does not take much effort nowadays with the Internet.
I did the legwork and compiled (almost) all of the evidences in these webpages....
It's like you having a friend and you know he tells you a lie before. You would suspect everything else he tells you.
(BTW, pay attention to some guy named Crossan on TV and see how many lies you can uncover in his statements.)
There are no printing press or CD roms in ancient days, and the writing is recorded on paparus - very think paper that is rolled up. These papari are unrolled and roll up many times and they wear out. New copies of the scriptures are made when the old papari are worn. How well did the copiers did the copying will afftec the content that gets passed on to us.
The Nasi's in WWII were very racist and systematically killed handicapped and retarded people to "improve" the Arian race. They especially hated the Jews and developed "the Final Solution" plan to systematically kill the Jewish population in Europe.
During WWII, the Japanese army has committed a cruel act on the population of the city of Nanjing in China which is now known as the "Nanjing Massacre".
What is happening now (around 2000) is very much like what is happening 40-50 years after Jesus died, was buried and resurrected:
In case you wonder why there was no need to write the Gospel right after Jesus' death: there is a multitude of eyewitnesses and they were convinced they saw Jesus died, was buried and talked to Him later.
The Gospels were written when the time is now ripe for the opposing side to change the truth of history !!!
In fact, there has been many examples where ancient exagerated tales have been "relegated" to legends:
Myths are legends that involve god figures, and I'm sure you know plenty of those from Greek Mythology.
All we can get are stories now (in fact, that's why you need faith to believe that Jesus is the Son of God because there is no way on earth you can know this for sure (you can'y be an eyewitness))
I mean: we can be very sure that the holocaust and the Nanjing Massacre did happen - just look at the numerous pictures and stories of the Holocaust and Nanjing Massacre.... Sure, there are those that deny that these events did happen, but look at their motives and their arguments (arguments like: "pictures don't prove anything, show use those famous gas chambers used in the Holocaust (they have been torned down already)"). Their arguments don't hold water...
We do have account of the life of Jesus and his crucifixion and resurrection in the Bible.
I was inspired by his quest and did one of my own. Instead of traveling by airplane, I used the Information Super-highway - the Internet