The explosion of the Big Bang only formed Hydrogen and Helium
Heavier elements (Carbon, Oxygen, etc) are formed inside stars
This radiation was discovered in 1964 by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, who later won the Nobel Prize for this discovery.
This ancient document is... the Bible :-)
Psa 104:1 Bless Jehovah, O my soul. O Jehovah my God,
You are very great; You have put on honor and majesty,
Psa 104:2 covering Yourself with light as with a robe; and stretching out the heavens like a curtain; |
Isa 40:22 It is He who sits on the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in; |
Isa 42:5 So says Jehovah God, He who created the heavens and stretched them out, spreading out the earth and its offspring; He who gives breath to the people on it and spirit to those who walk in it. |
The verse in Isaiah 42:5 is interesting also from the Physical standpoint: it also states that space (= heaven) had a beginning (creation point). This is exactly what Physics has discovered:
Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity -- in all this vastness -- there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. |
And from the location of Earth, it looks and feels that Earth is nothing more than an meaningless speck in this immense universe
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and the gravity constant (measured) to be (approximately) equal to 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2.
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and the Coulomb constant is measured at:
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The Laws of Fundamental Forces in Physics have
of parameters that will result in a
Universe that is Life-Sustaining
It is like some SUPERINTELLECT has monkeyed with the Laws of Physics, (as well as with chemistry and biology) so that the Universe WILL sustain Life.... |
Romans 1:20 ----- "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities --his eternal power and divine nature-- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." |
The findings are nothing more than amazing....
hydrogen atoms are compressed together under the tremendous gravitational pull and the outer electrons are stripped by the tremendous heath. The remaining protons are converted to alpha particals (He-4) in the proton-proton cycle: click here
If gravitational force is
1033 times weaker
than electromagnetism, then
stars would burn a million times faster.
Stars will BURN SO FAST and SO FURIOUS, that life will not have time nor opportunity to develop (radiation will kill all life) --- See: John Leslie, Universes (London: Routlege, 1989), p.5. |
If gravitational force was weaker, stars will burn too slowly and will not produce enough energy to support life. |
No chemical reactions, no valent bonds... no water, no carbon chains, no life...
If the Strong force is just
0.3% stronger,
protons and neutrons would
attract so much
that solitair protons will be
In other words: there will NO HYDROGEN ATOMS No Hydrogen means NO WATER MOLECULES and NO LIFE will be possible.... |
If the Strong force is 2% weaker,
protons and neutrons would not
"stick together" and
heavy elements CANNOT be formed
The universe will consist of only hydrogen atoms without any CARBON or OXYGEN atoms.... and again.... NO LIFE will be possible.... |
that allow life to exist in this universe.
IF the universe was a random product, it is extremely unlikely that the Physical constants of the fundamental forces fall within the required margins to allow building blocks of life to exist...
In other words: if the universe was a random product, it is highly unlikely that there is life in the universe....
So many coincidences that scientists coined a new term: anthropic principle - it is like the universe had to produce intelligent life...
Yeah, right...
Matter can be in one of 3 (actually 4 - plasma) states:
Therefore, solid iron will SINK to the bottom of a liquid (molten) iron soup.
Consequently: Ice FLOATS on water
If ice did not float on water,
the oceans would freeze from the bottom up
because ice - when frozen - will
SINK to the bottom and CANNOT
be MELTED by sun's rays !
The earth would now be covered with solid ice. ---- Barrow and Tipler, The Anthropic Cosmological Principle. Oxford: OUP, 1988, pp143-144, 524-541. --- Also Cf. D. Wilkinson, Our Universes (New York: Columbia University Press, 1991), pp171-172. |
The "scientific explanation" goes into the crystal structure of ice and so on.
But why should the crystal structure of ice have this special property and all other crystal structures do not ???
It is as if someone foresaw that without this property, there won't be life and DESIGNED this property into the Universe so that life CAN exist....
Without carbon, there will not be any protein molecules and without protein, there will not be any LIFE.
Stars will first burn Hydrogen (H) to Helium (He)
When Helium (He) is exhausted, the star will burn Helium (He) to Carbon (C)
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This "astonishing coincidence" involved a VERY PRECISE ratio of the NUCLEAR STRONG FORCE and ELECTRO-MAGNETIC FORCE
At this stage, the star consists mainly of Helium
And therefore, the following nuclear reation to make Carbon is EXTREMELY RARE:
A simultaneous collision of THREE particles is also EXTREMELY RARE
And yet, there is an abundance of Carbon (C) in nature....
How is it possible ?????
If this combined energy from the incoming particles is not "just right" then the excess has to be eliminated, in the form of leftover KINETIC ENERGY (new particle will move faster or slower), or as a particle ejected from the nucleus.
In THIS CASE, the interaction will proceed very effectively, and the conversion of lighter nuclei into a heavier form will be VERY RAPID.
RESONANCE between nuclei is VERY VERY RARE .
As discussed before; CARBON should NOT have existed ABUNDANTLY in the Universe - because there is NOT WAY to make Carbon quickly in stars.
The kinetic energy that each nucleus has depends on the TEMPERATURE inside a star, which Hoyle could calculate.
The problem was: the 7.82 MeV level in Carbon was UNKNOWN (because it was hard to Carbon achieve such a high energy level)
BUT.... to the ASTONISHMENT of the NUCELAR PHYSICISTS, later experiments (done by nucelar physicists) showed that Carbon-12 DOES HAVE an energy level just 4 percent ABOVE Hoyle's PREDICTED ENERGY LEVEL:
(This is close enough that the kinetic energies of the colliding Helium-4 and Beryllium-8 nuclei can supply the excess.)
Suppose, for example, that the energy level in Carbon had turned out to be just 4 percent lower - at 7.50 MeV - then NO CARBON could have formed inside the stars !!!
There is ABSOLUTELY NO GOOD REASON for Carbon (C) to have an energy level at 8.13 MeV; except that without this energy level in Carbon (C), Carbon would NOT be produced and LIFE would not be possible. |
C66 + He22 --> O88 |
However, if the nearest energy level of Oxygen is FAR away from the sum of energies of Carbon and Helium, then NO Oxygen will be formed.....
EXACTLY HALF of Carbon in star are converted to Oxygen leaving HALF of Carbon unconverted. |
If you wanted to
produce carbon and oxygen in ROUGHLY EQUAL QUANTITIES
by stellar nucleosynthesis, these are the two basic levels you would
have to fix, and
your fixing would have to be just about where these
levels are ACTUALLY FOUND TO BE....
A commonsense interpretation of the facts suggests that a SUPERINTELLECT has MONKEYED with physics . . . and that there are no blind forces worth speaking about in nature. |
It looks like SOMEONE thinkered with the laws of Physics so that Carbon and Oxygen HAD TO BE produced in the right amount to CAUSE LIFE.... |
Depending on the AMOUNT of matter in the Universe, one of three things can happen:
This scenario is called the "flat universe"
This scenario is called the "spherical universe" and will result in a "BIG CRUNCH" (opposite of BIG BANG) - all matter will be smushed together....
This scenario is called the "hyperbolic universe"
For THIS to happen, the density of the Universe must be set to PRECISELY 447,225,917,218,507,401,284,015 mg/cc - UPTO 24 DIGIT ACCURACY !!! - at 1 nsec after the Big Bang
It must even be MORE accurate before 1 nsec....
The universe would have collapsed by now (in the "Big Crunch") !!! And you won't be around to tell about it.
In that case, the expansion of the universe (space) would have been too rapid for stars and galaxies to form... No stars, no life...
So, WHY then should this amount be PRECISELY that amount that will create a FLAT UNIVERSE ???
A scary thought: this Someone must have the intelligence to calculate the density value to an incredible precision...
There ONLY ONE possible WAY: when the center of gravity of the pencil is precisely under the tip...
Every other way, the pencil will fall.
This is what is happening in the Big Bang: of all the possible mix of masses, the Universe had to pick that SPECIAL one that makes it FLAT....
It is ILLEGOCAL and Mind-bogglingly improbable !!!
So there must be sillions of earth-like planets out there and life everywhere
That was the conclusion from the book "Life Everywhere" by David Darling.....
These dissending opinions are not based on religious dogma, but based on recent discoveries that our earth and solar system is very unique.... it may even be the only place in the whole Universe that can harbor life !!!!
Super nova (exploding stars) and GAMMA RAY BURSTS can wipe out life in a second...
LIFE prefer a STABLE environment
This allows stars to be more massive and produce heavy elements faster - these elements are necessary for life
STABLE. Locations in spiral galxy
that are FAR away from star formations and super novae
are candidate location to support life
Our galaxy is spiral....
NOT suitable to support life due to too many active star formations and super novae that will wipe out life
NOT suitable to support life due to too many active star formations and super novae that will wipe out life
Our solar system is located VERY FAR from the center of the galaxy (where there is a great black hole and where many stars are borned and super novae that will kill off life) and BETWEEN the spiral arms - which put us away from super novae AND give us a great view to study the Universe
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(Max distance - Avg. distance)/Avg. distance) |
Planet | Farthest Distance to sun | Shortest Distance to sun | Eccentricity | |||
Mercury | 70,000,000 Km | 46,000,000 Km | 0.206 | |||
Venus | 109,000,000 Km | 107,000,000 Km | 0.007 | |||
Earth | 152,000,000 Km | 147,000,000 Km | 0.017 | |||
Mars | 249,000,000 Km | 207,000,000 Km | 0.0 | |||
Jupiter | 816,000,000 Km | 741,000,000 Km | 0.048 | |||
Saturn | 1,507,000,000 Km | 1,347,000,000 Km | 0.056 | |||
Uranus | 3,004,000,000 Km | 2,735,000,000 Km | 0.047 | |||
Neptune | 4,537,000,000 Km | 4,456,000,000 Km | 0.009 | |||
Pluto | 7,375,000,000 Km | 4,425,000,000 Km | 0.248 |
Jupiter is in fact "taking the hits" for earth.
Earth's moon has a number of extra-ordinary properties that make our moon extremely rare
Earth's tilt ranges between 22 degrees to 24.5 degrees over a 41,000 year cycle.
That is VERY VERY SMALL compared with Mars that does NOT have a stabelizing moon: study shows that Mars tilt varies CHAOTICALLY between 10 - 50 degrees : click here
Smaller tilt means STABLE temperature & environment for LIFE !!!
The Gulf stream is like a "a river in the ocean" - according to oceanographer Mathhew Maury in 1855.
Here are pictures of two different COASTAL places at 70 degree N, one place near the path of the Gulf Stream and the other not:
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The HUGE size of the Moon contributes to 40% of the total tidal effects and is a BIG part in creating the Gulf Stream
Reference: click here
And EARTH is the BEST place in the Solar system to observe a SOLAR ECLIPSE
Some of the material spun into orbit and formed the moon....
Boy, are we lucky or what ????
The fallacy of this argument is that there is no way for us to visit the other universes. So if you believe this, your faith must be very great - in fact, just as great - if not greater than the faith needed to believe that there is a God